As you might expect, field ants are usually found in large open spaces but this can include your own backyard. Field ants are not usually a problem inside the home but if your lawn is suffering anywhere in Salt Lake County or Utah County, get in touch with the professionals at H2 Pest Control. It’s important to identify the ant species correctly, as field ants are often mistaken for carpenter ants and fire ants. All three species require different methods for effective control.


  • Field ants are on the larger side and can grow up to ½ inch in length.
  • Some species of field ant are black while others may be black and red.
  • Field ants can bite humans but are not considered dangerous.
  • Field ant mounds can reach up to 2 feet in height.
  • Their mating swarms occur between July and September.
Field Ants Eating


Field ants are a common sight in large areas of exposed soil but what if they take a liking to your yard? These busy insects will build nests under lawns and this can affect the look of your turf when they start creating mounds aboveground. As well as being unsightly, these mounds also prevent you from easily maintaining your lawn. Field ants can also damage shrubs and plants around their nest by injecting them with formic acid, killing the roots. Luckily, they prefer to find all their food outside, meaning that you won’t find field ants infesting your home.


If you accidentally disturb a field ant mound, they may swarm out and attack. They are capable of biting humans and some species of field ant may also use formic acid in addition to biting. Other than a stinging sensation, however, these bites are not considered dangerous to humans and the sensation should wear off quickly.

Field ants are more of a danger to your landscaping as they can kill off plants that might be near their nests as well as wrecking your turf. While they may play havoc in your backyard, they do not generally search for food or nesting sites inside buildings.


It may be possible to prevent field ants from taking up residence in your yard by following the tips below:

  • Field ants prefer open, sunny areas and will kill off plants shading their nesting area. If you landscape your yard to provide lots of shade, it may prevent ants from nesting there.
  • Keeping your grass a bit longer may also dissuade field ants as it provides more shade on the ground.
  • One of a field ant’s main sources of food is the honeydew secreted by aphids. If you keep your plants as bug-free as possible, this will put off field ants from staying in your garden.

If you already have a large field ant mound in your yard, it’s not easy to get rid of the ants inside. The only way to effectively eliminate a colony is to get rid of the queen but she can sometimes be several feet underground. Ant baits may be effective but the best way to remove them is to call a professional pest control company like H2 Pest Control. Serving all across Salt Lake County and Utah County, we can identify and solve your field ant problems.