Spiders are known for their intricate webs and unsettling appearance.
One of the most distinctive features of these arachnids is the number of legs they possess.
So, how many legs does a spider have? A spider has eight legs.

Spiders have two main body parts:
- The head and chest are joined together, called the cephalothorax. This is where their brain, eyes, and legs are located.
- The abdomen is the rear part of their body. It holds important organs and the special parts that make silk.
Spiders have eight legs, which makes them different from insects that only have six. These legs help them do lots of things:
- Move around: They use their legs to walk and run very quickly.
- Catch food: Many spiders use their legs to grab and hold onto their prey, like bugs.
- Build webs: Spiders that make webs use their legs to carefully weave the sticky threads.
Why Eight Legs?
Having eight legs is really helpful for spiders:
- They stay steady: Eight legs help them balance and walk on all sorts of tricky places.
- They can move fast: Extra legs make them quick and able to turn and chase their food easily.
- They feel their way: Their legs have tiny hairs that help them sense what’s around them.
Spider Legs: A Closer Look
Spider legs come in various shapes and sizes, depending on the species. Some spiders have long, slender legs adapted for running, while others have shorter, sturdier legs for digging or climbing.
- Regeneration: Remarkably, some spiders can regenerate lost legs, although the regenerated leg may be smaller than the original.
Spider Legs in Action
Beyond walking and running, spider legs play a vital role in a variety of activities:
- Jumping: Some spiders, like jumping spiders, have powerful legs that enable them to leap impressive distances.
- Mating: Male spiders often use their front legs to perform elaborate courtship displays to attract females.
Spider Leg FAQs
Spiders have eight legs.
Insects have six legs.
Eight legs provide spiders with better balance, help them move faster, and give them a better sense of their surroundings.
Yes, some spiders can regrow lost legs, although the new leg may be smaller.
Yes, all spiders have eight legs.
Spider legs are used for walking, running, jumping, capturing prey, building webs, and sensing their environment.
For questions about common spider problems in Utah, contact H2 Pest Control or use the following resource links:
Learn More About Spiders
Get Rid of Spiders in Utah Guide
How to Get Rid of Black Widow Spiders
The Most Dangerous Spiders in the United States
Spider Eggs and What They Look Like